Wednesday, March 26, 2008

WTF am I Doing Now?

Lol.i am supposed to write a summary about my case study and look at what i'm doing now. i've been thinking a lot about the country's economy and politics. i have to admit this, the politicians in malaysia nang sikpat diharap. harap kan pagar, pagar makan padi. sitauk juak giney pagar pandey makan padi. dah la pagar sikda mulut.. padi gik keras. like malaysians la. the people's representatives ramai yang sikpat diharap. dah dpt power to speak pun sik bermulut gilak. and the people pulak banyak complain. just like myself,... but i am considered under aged now... (not for long!!),...salu jak kenak makan pagar yang sik so funny. ya nang keak bulak laaaa... and now sapa yang suffer the most? padi yang dah jadi taik kepada pagar itu jugak. hahaha!!!! dah hari ya my grandma kerepak: if i were in charge of the country, i would definitely increase the income of the people... if they could admit to the fact that harga barang nait melambung lambung is because standard of living naik at the same rate... like halo!!!! apahal many people complain dengan ketidakpuashatian ?!!!!
aku nang suka kerepak, but i have a really good reason to do that right??how to repair my car if i dont have enough money to save for petrol and phone reload?? food iboh pdh gik... yeah go on and promote your bubur nasik yang sekda rasa ya... the price of cooking oil, salt and tepung naik bah... i thought we are PRODUCING those stuff... apa le... i have to go study now.. bubbyes!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Me & My Baby

Aww..i miss Z so much!