Sunday, March 22, 2009

Memories~ (Mala jak...)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I was cleaning up my room... rearranging books and stuff... and I found my old diaries~ (mesti dibuang!) lol... and I found my old notebooks.. that my friends and I used to decorate and write silly stuff in it.. talking about boys, boyfriends, lyrics (lagu kenak translate to BM), silly magic animals (I was the pink horse, Thila was the blue ox, and Gwen was the purple butterfly with the magic poop! hahaha)... and Mai's luahan hati... and Anna's ayatul kursi (thank you, love... that was one valuable thing I found :D)... and the notebook Esther made for me (RED and BLACK) :) rock bah! hahah.. and I also found pictures in the notebooks... gamba Thila pakei egyptian robe... a group picture without me inside (cos I was the one taking the picture) where the girls kenak sabo oleh Nabs! hahaha! muka lain suma retarded, Nabs jak sik! hahahahah! bodo eh time ya... and I found a letter from Thila~ talking about how we were dumb for joining cheerleading! hahahaha! oh, btw, the letter was glued to an x-mas card.. ehehhe..I miss those days.. and I'm gonna be 22 soon.. :'( OH! so tua... after the clean up, I feel more organised~ :D what else is there to do? esok mok dusting some stuff and lap sunnies~ I did my VB! It is done! SUCCESS~ and now, I should abide to the every principles I made up to ensure I do things right this time 'round....
I'm listening to 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley...'Never gonna give you up... Never gonna let down.. Never gonna run around and desert you~'.....

Lotsa Love to ALL!


NoNation said...

Hahaha I think I remember that picture, is it the one behind St3 where I made everyone pose stupidly? Hehehehe Finding old stuff is great... embarrassing, but great.

~nuTt*~ said...

YES DARLING! hahahahahah! suma muka kedak retard... nasib mek da bad hair day... mun sik mek knk sabo juak kali! :P